海晟光学 双佳绗缝 天玺装饰 给力风筒布 给力风筒 鸿祥废旧金属回收 南通网站制作 爱的装饰 力博钢绳 吉神环卫设备 江苏桥检车 桥检车出租 云南桥检车出租 1BGY solar Baoguang -Solar Water Heater-Solar Vacuum Tubes

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Add: No.4 Yuanhua Industrial Zone,Haining,Zhejiang 314416 P.R.China.
Tel: 86-573-8786 0877
Fax: 86-573-8786 0677
Email: info@cnbg-solar.com
MSN: edwin4cnbg@hotmail.com
Skype: cnbgsolartube

our products

Solar Water Heater
Super Anti-erode outer tank is made by PVDF. Best anti-erode material. Especially for the seaside area. such

Central Solar Water Heating System
Central Solar Water Heating System is designed based on customers water consumption. By collecting the solar

Split Pressurized Solar Water heater
The Pipeline is made of all the red copper and conducted by heat transfer medium liquid. Water can't flow in

U Type Solar Collector
The U type series solar collector are always connected with existing heating supply device. the selective co

Single Target Tube
Tube structure:All-glass double deck co-axial structure.Glass material:Borosilicate 3.3 glass.

Heat Pipe Vacuum Tube
Heat-pipe is a sealed copper pipe containing a small quantity of volatile liquid and some special additives

Three Target Tube
Tube structure:All-glass double deck co-axial structure.Glass material:Borosilicate 3.3 glass.

Tri-element Hitech Tube
Tube structure:All-glass double deck co-axial structure.Glass material:Borosilicate 3.3 glass.